
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Workshop Announcement
    Polar Simulations with the Weather and Research Forecasting Model
    2-3 November 2011
    Columbus, Ohio

  2. Save the Date
    XXXII Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Open Science
    16-19 July 2012
    Portland, Oregon

  3. Workshop Announcement
    15th Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP)
    1-4 November 2011
    Woods Hole, Massachusetts

  1. Workshop Announcement
    Polar Simulations with the Weather and Research Forecasting Model
    2-3 November 2011
    Columbus, Ohio

Organizers announce a workshop on Polar Simulations with the Weather and
Research Forecasting (WRF) Model. The workshop will be held 2-3 November
2011 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

The polar weather and climate community is using the WRF model to
address an ever expanding range of topics in both the Arctic and
Antarctic including numerical weather prediction, regional reanalysis,
climate variability and change detection, and climate model downscaling.
The goal of the workshop is to assess the community experience regarding
the strengths and weaknesses of WRF applied in high latitudes regarding
atmospheric parameterizations, numerical issues, data assimilation using
WRF-Var, and challenges facing the Noah Land Surface Model. Several
projects are underway to couple WRF with ocean and sea ice models to
develop regional system models, and another workshop goal is to
establish synergies between these efforts.

The workshop will also coincide with the formal release of Polar WRF 3.3
by the Polar Meteorology Group of the Byrd Polar Research Center.
Virtual participation via PolyCom or Skype likely will be supported. The
workshop will include talks, posters, and forums. There is no
registration fee.

For further information or to register, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
David Bromwich
Email: bromwich.1 [at]

  1. Save the Date
    XXXII Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Open Science
    16-19 July 2012
    Portland, Oregon

The XXXII Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science
Conference will be held 16-19 July 2012 in Portland, Oregon. Associated
meetings will be held from 13 July through 25 July.

The conference will emphasize SCAR's dual role in facilitating
scientific research and providing advice to policy makers. Plenary
sessions will focus on high-level overarching themes of interest to the
majority of attendees:

- Antarctic Conservation Challenges in a Century of Change
- Past, Present and Future Climate Evolution
- Evolution and Biodiversity in Antarctica

Registration and abstract submission for the conference are expected to
open in October 2011. Further information will be posted as available on
the conference website, at:

  1. Workshop Announcement
    15th Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP)
    1-4 November 2011
    Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Organizers announce that the 15th Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison
Project (AOMIP) workshop will be held 1-4 November 2011 at the Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The
workshop will include a one-day 'AOMIP School' for researchers new to
the field, and two and a half days of workshop sessions.

The overall AOMIP science and workshop goals are to:

- Validate and improve Arctic Ocean models in a coordinated fashion;
- Investigate variability of the Arctic Ocean and sea ice at
seasonal to decadal time scales; and
- Identify mechanisms responsible for the observed changes.

The workshop objectives are to:

- Maintain and enhance the established AOMIP international
collaboration to reduce uncertainties in model predictions;
- Support synthesis across the suite of arctic models and organize
scientific meetings and workshops;
- Conduct collaboration with other MIPs with a special focus on
model improvements and analysis;
- Disseminate findings of AOMIP effort to broader communities; and
- Train a new generation of ocean and sea-ice modelers.

The first day of the workshop, AOMIP School, is for graduate students,
postdocs, post-postdocs, and senior researchers new to the field. The
afternoon break may include an Outreach Fair for demonstrations and
exchange of ideas. A working dinner on Martha's Vineyard for all
participants will take place in the evening. The following presenters
have been confirmed for the AOMIP School (lectures titles may change

- Mary-Louise Timmermans (Yale University, U.S.)
Eddies and fronts in the upper Arctic Ocean
- Daniel Feltham (NERC, United Kingdom)
Melt ponds
- Peter Gent (NCAR, U.S.)
Mixing in the ocean
- Fiamma Straneo (WHOI, U.S.)
Ice sheet - ocean interactions
- Ron Lindsay (UW, U.S.)
Sea ice prediction
- Mike Steele (UW, U.S.) or Andrey Proshutinsky (WHOI, U.S.)
Heat in the Arctic Ocean or Arctic Ocean tides and tidal effects

The sessions for the 2.5-day workshop are as follows:

- Arctic Ocean state and variability
- Sea ice and ice-related modeling and observing
- Fresh water and heat fluxes, transformations and trends
- Arctic Ocean circulation, exchanges and effects
- Models, model performance and observations
- Biogeochemistry and ecosystem modeling
- Coordinated experiments

Organizers request that individuals interested in the meeting send
notification as sono as possible. They are soliciting presentation
titles for oral (15 minute) and poster presentations, requests to attend
the AOMIP School, and requests for travel support. Requests submitted by
early September will be given highest priority.

For these or any additional questions, please contact:
Michael Steele
Email: mas [at]

Andrey Proshutinsky
Email: aproshutinsky [at]