
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Ice Sheets and Glaciers in a Warming World
    Planet Under Pressure Conference
    26-29 March 2012
    London, United Kingdom

  2. Registration Reminder
    6th Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum
    3-6 September 2011
    Hveragerdi, Iceland

  3. Conference Announcement
    Third Santa Fe Conference on Global and Regional Climate Change
    31 October - 4 November 2011
    Santa Fe, New Mexico

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Ice Sheets and Glaciers in a Warming World
    Planet Under Pressure Conference
    26-29 March 2012
    London, United Kingdom

Organizers of a session entitled "Ice Sheets and Glaciers in a Warming
World" announce a call for abstracts. The session will be convened at
the Planet Under Pressure conference, scheduled for 26-29 March 2012 in
London, United Kingdom.

Observations clearly show that glaciers and polar ice-sheets are
responding to climate change. Though considerable uncertainty remains
regarding the response of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to
future warming, recent research has shown that ice loss from Greenland
and the Antarctic has increased over the last 20 years, and will soon
become the biggest driver of sea level rise. Many glaciers at the 'Third
Pole'--the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau (HKH - Himalaya-Karakoran-
Hindukush)--are also losing their ice mass at unprecedented rates,
resulting in changes in water availability for populations and
agriculture downstream.

This session discusses new findings on the changes of polar ice sheets
and glaciers, including those of the Asian mountains, in response to
climate change. The results of both field studies and modeling will be
presented. The focus will be on the impact of these changes on both
global scale, in terms of sea level rise; and on regional scale, e.g.
water resources.

Abstract deadline: Friday, 16 September 2011.

For further information or to submit an abstract, please go to:

  1. Registration Reminder
    6th Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum
    3-6 September 2011
    Hveragerdi, Iceland

Registration for the 6th Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum
closes Friday, 19 August 2011. The forum, entitled "Our Ice Dependent
World," will be held 3-6 September 2011 in Hveragerdi, Iceland.

The Open Assembly will address the Arctic, the Antarctic, and the
Himalayans, targeting policymakers, the research community, business
people, civil society, and community leaders from these areas. The main
theme of the conferences includes several integrated sub-themes
representing different perspectives for viewing the subject of natural
ice and evaluating its importance. The sub-themes cover the interface of
nature and society, humanity and communities, knowledge and education,
international law and governance, economics, and geopolitics. Sub-themes

- Implications of the ice melt;
- Humanity, communities, minds, perceptions, and knowledge on ice;
- International law, soft law, and governance on ice; and
- Geopolitics and international security on ice.

For further information, including details on registration, venue, and
accommodations, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
nrf [at]

  1. Conference Announcement
    Third Santa Fe Conference on Global and Regional Climate Change
    31 October - 4 November 2011
    Santa Fe, New Mexico

Organizers announce that the Third Santa Fe Conference on Global and
Regional Climate Change will be held 31 October - 4 November 2011 in
Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The conference will focus on climate change and variability from
observational, theoretical, and modeling perspectives. There will be
sessions on arctic climate, climate change, and arctic terrestrial
processes. Special emphasis will be on climate forcing and feedbacks on
the global and regional scales, including the polar regions.
Contributions based on conventional as well as unconventional views on
climate change and variability are welcome. The conference will consist
of invited and contributed oral presentations and posters. Presented
papers will be considered for publication in a special section of the
Journal of Geophysical Research.

This conference is the third in a series of conferences held at five
year intervals. The purpose of these conferences is to bring together
researchers with varied interpretations of current and past global and
regional climate change, to present the latest research results
(observations, theory, modeling, and analysis), and to provide
discussion opportunity to top climate experts and students.

Abstracts to be considered for either oral or poster presentation are
due by Monday, 12 September 2011. Abstracts to be considered for poster
presentation only are due by Monday, 17 October 2011. All abstracts must
be submitted (in pdf or word format) by email to Petr Chylek
(chylek [at], with a copy to Manvendra Dubey (dubey [at]

For further information, or to register for the conference, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Petr Chylek
Email: chylek [at]