Abstracts are currently being accepted for sessions during the 2016 European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, which will convene 17-22 April 2016 in Vienna, Austria.
Abstract submission deadline for all sessions: Wednesday, 13 January 2016.
Conveners of the following six sessions invite abstract submissions:
Arctic Ocean and Cryosphere in Rapid Transition
Changes in the Arctic Ocean and Sea Ice System: Observations, Models,
and PerspectivesReconstructing Past Hydroclimate Change in the Arctic
Boundary Layers in High Latitudes: Physical and Chemical Exchange
Processes Over Ocean-Ice-Snow-Land SurfacesRegionally Integrated Perspectives on Arctic Processes From the
International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA)Polar Continental Margins and Fjords-Climate, Oceanography,
Tectonics and Geohazards
For more information please visit: http://egu2016.eu/home.html