Human Dimensions of Arctic Change

Event Dates
San Francisco, California

Arctic human systems are undergoing unprecedented change. Against a backdrop of climate change, globalization and technological advances are positioning the Arctic as a site of resource wealth, international shipping, and political contestation. President Obama’s recent trip to Alaska highlighted at

Event Dates
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

This is a three part meeting: 1) to advance efforts by the International Snow Working Group-Remote Sensing (iSWGR) in promoting snow remote sensing efforts through research initiatives and education, 2) to continue planning for a large NASA (and possibly international) snow remote

Event Dates
Keck Center of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Room 103, 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington DC, and online 11:00 a.m. EDT

You’re invited to attend the public release of Next Generation Earth System Prediction: Strategies for Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasts, a new consensus report that identifies opportunities to improve forecasting of weather, ocean, and other environmental conditions weeks to months ahead. The

Event Dates

The International Glaciological Society will hold a second International Symposium on ‘Interactions of Ice Sheets and Glaciers with the Ocean’ in 2016. The symposium will be held at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, and is a follow-on to the successful 2011 IGS

Jeremy Mathis, PMEL/OERD Division Leader

Event Dates
ARCUS DC Office and online: 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST

The third speaker for the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) D.C. Seminar Series will be Dr. Jeremy Mathis of the NOAA Climate Program Office.

Where: ARCUS DC Office - 1201 New York Avenue, NW. Fourth Floor. Washington, DC 20005 and live webinar online.

Registration: (required for

Uninhibited Synergies: Sciences-Humanities-Engineering Nexus in Arctic Research

Event Dates
Juneau, Alaska

The Juneau Workshop, organized in collaboration with University of Alaska Southeast Department of Social Science, aims to explore the contributions and potentials of Arctic social sciences in the emerging synergies that involve humanities, natural sciences, and engineering. The connections we

Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state

Event Dates

Welcome to ECSA’s next major symposium, ECSA 56 – Coastal systems in transition from a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically modified’ state, which will take place in Bremen, Germany.

Humans are drivers of and affected by global change. Human-induced global climate and regional environmental change

Event Dates

Welcome! Bienvenue! Tunngasugit!

The 2016 Students on Ice Arctic expedition will be a profound hands-on experience for youth to expand their knowledge of the changing circumpolar world, foster a new understanding and respect for the planet, and gain the inspiration and motivation needed to help

Event Dates
Boulder, Colorado

Hosted by the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado.


01 March, 2016 for Hotel Special Rate

18 March 2016 for Registration and Abstracts


The Arctic Workshop is open to all interested in high latitude environments, including those

NSF Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences

Event Dates

The goals of the Science of Learning (SL) Program are to: advance fundamental knowledge about learning through integrative research; connect the research to specific scientific, technological, educational, and workforce challenges; and enable research communities to capitalize on new opportunities

Event Dates

Nominations should be sent to:
Brit Myers, ARCUS
Email: brit [at]

For questions about directions in the SEARCH program, please contact:
Brendan Kelly, SEARCH Executive Director
Email: bpkelly [at]

Or any other member of the SSC:

Event Dates

The University of Vienna, in cooperation with the European University in St. Petersburg is pleased to announce a call for applications for a PhD summer school (VASS) that will take place in late summer 2016. The course will take place in Vienna, Austria with a field trip to the Austrian Alps.


Event Dates
Abisko Field Station, Arctic Sweden

Organizers would like to call attention to the Polar Prediction School that will be held at the Abisko Field Station in Arctic Sweden from 5-15 April 2016 (next year). Sponsored by the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP), the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), and the Bolin Center for

Event Dates
Tromsø, Norway

Organizers of the "Remote Controlled and Autonomous Measurement Platforms Flagship (ReCAMP) Workshop" announce a call for abstracts.

The objectives of ReCAMP are to:

- Present the ReCAMP Flagship objectives, and present and future activities
- Provide an international and interdisciplinary

The Ecosystem Approach to Management: Status of Implementation in the Arctic

Event Dates


Reichardt Hall, University of Alaska Fairbanks


The Ecosystem Approach to Management (EA) is a widely adopted management principle requiring management of human activities to be integrated across sectors of enterprise. The ultimate purpose of EA is to achieve

The Union of Concerned Scientists webinar

Event Dates
Online: 4:00 PM EDT, 12:00 PM AKDT

Why Does the Arctic Matter? Join us for a discussion on the most effective ways to talk about the changes in the Arctic and how they are affecting the rest of the U.S. and the world.

The Arctic has seen profound changes in recent years, and those changes have global impacts. From rising seas to

Event Dates
Rovaniemi, Finland

The annual Arctic Business Forum by Lapland Chamber of Commerce introduces the latest global and local developments affecting the business possibilities in the Arctic. Specific attention is paid to European High North regions.

Arctic Business Forum is an international event attracting companies

with Rob Simmon

Event Dates
Online: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM ADT, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EDT

USAPECS is organizing a webinar series for Spring 2016 (April - June) focused on how to best share your science.

Data Visualization webinar:
Creating scientific graphics can be difficult, so come learn some simple tips and tricks from a dataviz expert on composition, color, and design to

Event Dates
Washington DC, Keck Center of the National Academies

The climate change community is invited to attend the public sessions of the upcoming meeting of the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and climate.

On Thursday, April 7 from 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm we'll be discussion findings of an upcoming report, Advancing Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting. On Friday

Event Dates

Copenhagen, Denmark


- Present and discuss results on observations and modelling of meltwater retention processes on ice sheets and glaciers, with some emphasis on low temperature 'polar snow'.
- To plan and coordinate meltwater retention model development.
- To