
Multiple Summer 2011 Student Opportunities

  1. 2011 Conservation Internship Program
    Alaska Conservation Foundation

  2. Research Experience for Undergraduates Available
    Gulf of Maine and the World Ocean
    Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

  1. 2011 Conservation Internship Program
    Alaska Conservation Foundation

The Alaska Conservation Foundation is currently accepting applications
to the 2011 Conservation Internship Program. Undergraduate and graduate
students as well as recent college graduates with an interest in
beginning or furthering a career in conservation, environmental justice,
or another related field are encouraged to apply. Both Alaska residents
and non-residents are welcome.

The Conservation Internship Program offers numerous paid summer
internship opportunities with leading environmental conservation
organizations and agencies located throughout the state of Alaska. The
internships last 12 weeks and will begin in May or early June 2011.

Internship assignments with the following organizations are available:

- Cook Inletkeeper
- Sitka Conservation Society
- Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council
- Yakutat Salmon Board
- Alaska Marine Conservation Council
- Takshanuk Watershed Council
- Northern Alaska Environmental Center
- Juneau Watershed Partnership
- Discovery Southeast
- Copper River Watershed Project
- Great Land Trust
- Alaska Community Action on Toxics
- Kachemak Heritage Land Trust
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Application deadline: Monday, 14 February 2011.

Individual program details and application instructions are available
online, at:

For questions, please contact:
Chris Czarnecki
Email: interns [at]
Phone: 907-276-1917

  1. Research Experience for Undergraduates Available
    Gulf of Maine and the World Ocean
    Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

The Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences invites undergraduates to
apply for the 2011 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Program, Gulf of Maine and the World Ocean. The program will run for
eight weeks, from 5 June to 13 August 2011.

The program seeks students from colleges and universities around the
country interested in gaining hands-on research experience. Areas of
research include the marine microbial food web, ocean biogeochemistry,
optical oceanography, remote sensing, sensory biology, climate change,
and fisheries biology.

Each student will be paired with a Bigelow scientist/mentor based on
mutual research interests, and work closely with the mentor on a current
research project. Participants receive a $4,500 stipend, housing, and a
travel allowance. Undergraduates in their sophomore year or later may

The Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is located in West Boothbay
Harbor, Maine. The facility seeks to understand key processes driving
global ocean ecosystems, their evolution, and their fundamental
relationship to life on Earth. The Laboratory's research ranges from
microbial oceanography (examining biological productivity and
phytoplankton community dynamics in the world's oceans at the molecular
level) to the large-scale biogeochemical processes that drive
interactions between ocean ecosystems and global environmental

Application deadline: Tuesday, 15 March 2011.

Further information and an online application are available at:

For questions, please contact:
Rebecca Fowler
Email: rfowler [at]