ARCUS Community Member Profiles highlight our individual members and member representatives. They are short, easy-to-read profiles to help the ARCUS community get to know one another and support connections across disciplines and perspectives. If you are an individual ARCUS member and would like to be featured in a future highlight, we invite you to complete this online form.

Hannah Holland-Moritz, University of New Hampshire

Hannah Holland-Moritz, University of New Hampshire

This Profile features Hannah Holland-Moritz, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of New Hampshire.

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Gabriella Gricius, Colorado State University

Gabriella Gricius, Colorado State University

This Profile features Gabriella Gricius, PhD Student in Political Science at Colorado State University and the North American and Arctic Defense and Security Network.

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Ming Xiao, Penn State University

Ming Xiao, Penn State University

This Profile features Ming Xiao, a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Penn State University.

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Sasha Liedman, Rutgers University

Sasha Liedman, Rutgers University

For this member profile, Sasha was interviewed by Katherine Schexneider, ARCUS volunteer. Katherine and Sasha are also both members of the 2021 ARCUS Membership and Development Committee.

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