
Witness the Arctic
Online Issue Available
Winter 2009/2010, Volume 13 Number 4

To view articles or to download a PDF file of this issue, please go to:

The Winter 2009/2010 issue of Witness the Arctic has been published
online and is available at:

This issue's feature article is entitled "2010 State of the Arctic
Conference: At the Forefront of Global Change" and the member insert
highlights current arctic research activities at Dartmouth College.

Other articles in this issue cover findings of a project supported by
the NSF Arctic Natural Sciences program, updates on the interagency
Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) and NSF Arctic System
Science (ARCSS) programs, recent activities at the U.S. Arctic Research
Commission and Toolik Field Station, and updates on the Sustaining
Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) initiative of the Arctic Council,
International Arctic Science Committee, and World Meteorological

The next issue of Witness the Arctic will be published in summer 2010.
For further information or to submit an article idea for future issues,
please contact Kristina Creek, Executive Coordinator at ARCUS
(creek [at]

To view articles or to download a PDF file of this issue, please go to: