
Multiple Newsletters Available

  1. IASC Progress
    International Arctic Science Committee

  2. APECS Newsletter: October 2009
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

  1. IASC Progress
    International Arctic Science Committee

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) announces that the
fall issue of IASC Progress is available at:
Highlights include:

  • The IPY Oslo Science Conference 2010 - At the frontiers of polar
  • Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) - An update by co-chair
    David Hik.
  • Exchanging knowledge and sharing experience - Student report on the
    Ice Sheet Modeling summer school in Portland.
  • The Arctic Science Summit Week 2010 - Nuuk, Greenland, 15-19 April.

To download the newsletter, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Mare Pit
Email: Mare.Pit [at]

  1. APECS Newsletter: October 2009
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) announces that
the October 2009 issue of the APECS Newsletter is available at:
Contents include:

APECS News and Updates
- APECS 2009-2010 Executive Committee Election results
- New APECS Council Charter
- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Biology APECS
Meeting Report
- APECS South Africa Update
- International Polar Year (IPY) Oslo Science Conference
- Win a Free Trip to the Oslo IPY Conference
Message from the Director - Arctic Frontiers and Young Scientist Forum
Important News from APECS Partners
- 2009 Climate Change and Energy Competitions
- Cephalopod Beak Guide published by Jose Xavier
- Svalbard Science Forum arctic field grant
Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences
- APECS Session at the 1st World Young Earth Scientists (YES)
- Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Workshop
- Luncheon Dialogue at the Antarctic Treaty Summit
- IPY International Early Career Polar Researcher Symposium
- American Geophysical Union (AGU) Session: Providing Climate Policy
Makers with a Strong Scientific Base
- Marine Biodiversity Under Change workshop
New Posters in the Virtual Poster Session
Latest Videos posted to the APECS collection
Jobs and Opportunities

To download the newsletter, please go to:

For further information, please email:
apecsinfo [at]