
Anthropologist Position Available
Bureau of Land Management
Arctic Field Office
Fairbanks, Alaska

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 26 August 2009

For more information, search for 'Anthropologist Fairbanks' at:

Or contact:
Stacie McIntosh
StacieMcIntosh [at]

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) seeks an anthropologist to work in
the Arctic Field Office, Branch of Resources in Fairbanks, Alaska. The
successful applicant will serve as a Subsistence Specialist for the
Arctic Field Office Manager.

Specific duties include:
- Designing and conducting anthropological research;
- Evaluating the potential impacts of proposed activities on
subsistence use of BLM lands;
- Conducting tribal consultation with federally-recognized tribes on
the North Slope of Alaska; and
- Coordinating the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Subsistence
Advisor Panel.

The application deadline is Wednesday, 26 August 2009. Applicants must
submit a CV, transcripts, and other documents at:

For more information, including required qualifications and how to
apply, please search for 'Anthropologist Fairbanks' at:

Or contact:
Stacie McIntosh
StacieMcIntosh [at]