
Call for Proposals
Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Research Program
Forage Base, Lower Trophic Level and Physical Oceanography,
and Ecosystem Modeling Components
North Pacific Research Board

Proposal Deadline: 2 October 2009

For further information, please go to:

The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) seeks proposals for three
components of the Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Research Program
(GOA IERP): forage base, lower trophic level and physical oceanography,
and ecosystem modeling. Full proposals are due 2 October 2009. For
further information, please go to:

The GOA IERP revolves around the following overarching question: How do
environmental and anthropogenic processes, including climate change,
affect various trophic levels and dynamic linkages among trophic levels,
with particular emphasis on fish and fisheries, marine mammals, and
seabirds within the Gulf of Alaska?

The GOA IERP spans from climate/physics through fish, birds, and mammals
and is divided into four components: 1) Upper Trophic Level, 2) Forage
base, 3) Lower Trophic Level and Physical Oceanography, and 4) Ecosystem
Modeling. Each component will be competed separately and integrated in a
post proposal selection process to ensure that a fully vertical trophic
understanding is achieved. Complete details of this implementation
approach are available in the GOA IERP Implementation Plan.

NPRB launched the GOA IERP in October 2008 with a request for proposals
to the Upper Trophic Level Component. The Board selected the proposal by
Dr. Jamal Moss et al., entitled "Surviving the Gauntlet: An integrated
study of the pelagic, demersal, and spatial linkages that determine
groundfish recruitment and diversity in the Gulf of Alaska ecosystem" to
serve as this component of this integrated program.

The current request for proposals is for the Forage Base component, the
Lower Trophic Level and Physical Oceanography component, and the
Ecosystem Modeling component. The GOA IERP Implementation Plan and the
proposal by Moss, et al. should be consulted carefully before applying to
this request for full proposals. Proposals must be submitted online by
4:00 pm Alaska time, 2 October 2009.

Full details on the submission process can be found on the NPRB website: