
Call for Reviewers
The Northern Review
Yukon College
Whitehorse, Canada

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Brad Martin
Email: bookreviews [at]

The Northern Review, a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal of the
humanities and social sciences, based at Yukon College in Whitehorse,
Canada, seeks reviewers for recent books in northern studies. The
journal publishes reviews and original scholarship from around the
circumpolar north in a wide range of fields, including history,
anthropology, archeology, political science, sociology, law,
environmental studies, literary studies, and the visual arts. Reviews
are generally in the range of 600-2,000 words in length.

If you are interested in reviewing for the journal, please send an email
to Brad Martin (bookreviews [at] that includes your areas
of expertise and your institutional affiliation. If you have suggestions
about particular books you would like to review, please include these as

For more information on The Northern Review, please visit:

Please direct queries to:
Brad Martin
Book Reviews Editor
The Northern Review
bookreviews [at]