
Undergraduate Summer Field Course Announcement
Wildlife and Ethnoecology of the Manitoba Coastal Region
University of Manitoba
Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
15-25 August 2009

Application Deadline: 1 July 2009

For further information, please contact:
Ryan Brook
Email: ryan_brook [at]

More detailed information can be found at:

The University of Manitoba announces an undergraduate summer field
course: Wildlife and Ethnoecology of the Manitoba Coastal Region. This
innovative, 6-credit, ten-day field course in Churchill, Manitoba
provides students with hands-on field research experience in ecology,
environmental science, and social research; it includes one week working
in Wapusk National Park, a remote wilderness park along the Hudson Bay
coast, accessible only by helicopter, as well as time spent at the
Churchill Northern Studies Centre (

Program Objectives:
1. Develop critical thinking, communication, and scientific research
skills, as well as practical field research experience important for
personal career development. Gain experience writing technical
scientific reports and making formal presentations.
2. Experience different cultures and learn how to incorporate local and
traditional knowledge with ecological research and develop ways to
interact with communities in order to do research in a respectful way.
3. Consider the role of protected areas in tourism and conservation and
identify meaningful ways to use science as to tool to support
4. Obtain a holistic perspective of the ecology and cultures of the
Hudson Bay coastal region.

The deadline for registration is 1 July 2009; however, space is limited,
so please register early.

For further information, please contact:
Ryan Brook
Email: ryan_brook [at]

More detailed information can be found at: