
Small Environmental Grants Available
Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
Environmental Protection Agency

Application Deadline: Monday, 30 June 2008

For further information, please go to:…

The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program (EJSG) is designed to
provide funding for eligible applicants working on, or planning to work
on, a project that addresses a local environmental and public health
issue within an affected community. The EJSG Program is a multi-statute
program designed to help communities understand and address their
exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks.

The primary purposes of proposed projects should be to develop a
comprehensive understanding of environmental and public health issues,
identify ways to address these issues at the local level, and educate
and empower the community. The long-term goals of the EJSG Program are
to help build the capacity of the affected community and create
self-sustaining, community-based partnerships that will continue to
improve local environments in the future.

An eligible applicant MUST BE one of the following entities:

  1. A 501(c) (3), non-profit organizations as designated by the Internal
    Revenue Service
  2. A non-profit organization, recognized by the state, territory,
    commonwealth, or tribe in which it is located
  3. A city, township, county government and their entities, OR
  4. A Native American tribal government (Federally recognized)
  5. Located within the same state, territory, commonwealth, or tribe that
    the proposed project will be located.

In addition, an eligible applicant must be able to demonstrate that it
has worked directly with, or provided services to, the affected
community. An "affected community," for the purposes of this assistance
agreement program, is a community that is disproportionately impacted by
environmental harms and risks and has a local environmental and public
health issue that is identified in the proposal.

The following entities are INELIGIBLE:
- Colleges and universities
- Hospitals
- State governments and their entities
- Quasi-governmental entities (e.g., water districts, utilities)
- National, multi-state, or state-wide organizations with chapters
- Non-profit organizations that engage in lobbying activities as defined
in Section 3 of the
Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995

For further information and to apply, please go to:…

The application deadline is Monday, 30 June 2008.