
Announcements of Opportunity
National Science Foundation

For more information, please contact:
Dan Lubin
Email: dlubin [at]

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces five opportunities for arctic
researchers. These solicitations seek to establish and/or maintain
international and interdisciplinary collaborations, data management,
visualization and preservation, and new applications of computational
thinking to analyze complex geoscience end ecological data. These
opportunities will enhance polar research programs through partnerships
with computer scientists and researchers in related fields.

For more information on any of the announcements, please contact Dan
Lubin, Cyberinfrastructure Program Manager, NSF Office of Polar
Email: dlubin [at]
Or contact the lead program officer listed with each solicitation.

  1. Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (VOSS), NSF 08-550
    Full Proposal Deadline: 2 June 2008
    This opportunity seeks a study of the needs, realities, and perceptions,
    of collaboration in polar research using cyberinfrastructure. A
    successful study in this area could give the polar research community
    valuable long-term guidance. Collaboration between a polar scientist and
    a social scientist is required.
    For further information on this solicitation, please go to:
    Or contact:
    Diana Rhoten
    Phone: 703-292-8276
    Email: drhoten [at]

  2. Community-Based Data Interoperability Networks (INTEROP), NSF 07-565
    Full Proposal Deadline: 28 July 2008
    This program's intent is to foster new research in making scientific
    data interoperable, re-purposing data for innovative uses not envisioned
    by the original creators of the data, and making data understandable and
    usable for communities other than the one in which the data originated.
    Areas of study include metadata conventions, ontologies, taxonomies, and
    consensus-building activities.
    For further information on this solicitation, please go to:
    Or contact:
    Lucy Nowell
    Phone: 703-292-8970
    Email: lnowell [at]

  3. Strategic Technologies for Cyberinfrastructure (STCI), NSF PD 06-7231
    Full Proposal Target Dates: 14 August 2008 and 12 February 2009
    This program's intent is to support work leading to the development
    and/or demonstration of innovative cyberinfrastructure services for
    science and engineering research that does not fit exactly within the
    other targeted solicitations.
    For further information on this solicitation, please go to:
    Or contact:
    Abani Patra
    Phone: 703-292-8970
    Email: apatra [at]

  4. Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI), NSF 07-603
    Letter of Intent Due: 30 September 2008
    Preliminary Proposal Due: 4 November 2008
    Full Proposal Due: 27 February 2009
    This five-year initiative seeks to create revolutionary science and
    engineering research made possible by innovations and advances in
    computational thinking. It is intended to produce a very versatile
    program that incorporates a solid partnership with a computer scientist.
    For further information about this solicitation, please go to:
    Or Contact:
    Sirin Tekinay
    Phone: 703-292-8910
    Email: stekinay [at]

  5. Sustainable Digital Data Preservation and Access Network Partners
    (DataNet), NSF 07-601
    Preliminary Proposal Due: 6 October 2008
    Full Proposal Target Date: 16 February 2009
    This program will support research into digital data preservation and
    long-term access by integrating library and archival sciences,
    cyberinfrastructure, computer and information sciences, and domain
    (e.g., polar) science expertise.
    For further information about this solicitation, please go to:
    Or Contact:
    Lucy Nowell
    Phone: 703-292-8970
    Email: lnowell [at]