
Workshop Announcement
Improving Ice Sheet Models
St. Petersburg, Russia
5-7 July 2008

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Cornelis van der Veen
Email: cjvdv [at]

The current generation of prognostic ice-sheet models fails to
adequately capture rapid and non-linear responses of the polar ice
masses to environmental forcings, such as dramatic increase in ice
discharge following weakening and disintegration of buttressing ice
shelves and ice tongues. While the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change acknowledged the potential importance of ice-dynamical effects,
processes that could render the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets more
vulnerable to future warming are not incorporated into forecasts of
future sea-level rise, primarily because of limited understanding of the
processes involved. To address these issues, a workshop has been
scheduled immediately prior to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Research / International Arctic Science Committee (SCAR/IASC) Open
Science Conference, to be held 8-11 July 2008, in St. Petersburg,

The workshop will be held 5-7 July 2008, in St. Petersburg, and will
involve one day of invited presentations, one day of discussions and
writing in break-out groups, and a half-day of concluding plenary
discussions. Workshop organizers anticipate bringing together some 50
participants from diverse disciplines including glaciology,
high-latitude oceanography and meteorology, and geophysics, representing
both modeling and observational communities. Limited funding is
available to supplement the additional days of accommodation in St.

A Russian visa is required to attend the workshop. To obtain an
invitation letter and a visa, applicants must register for both the
workshop and the SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, even if s/he plans
only to attend the workshop.

For further information about the workshop, please go to:

To register and for further information about the SCAR/IASC Open Science
Conference, please got to:

Or contact:
Cornelis van der Veen
Email: cjvdv [at]