
Deadline Extended
Northwest Passage Expedition 2008

Proposal Deadline Extended To: Thursday, 20 March 2008

For further information, please go to:

The research vessel WHITE HOLLY is undertaking a Northwest Passage
Expedition in mid-2008 and has space available for polar or arctic
researchers who would like to join for a segment or the entire journey.

Members of the arctic research community interested in joining the
expedition are invited to submit research proposals. Expedition leaders
encourage research programs that look into various aspects of, for
example, arctic oceanography, natural sciences, anthropology,
ornithology, marine biology, global warming effects, and marine
microbes. The expedition also includes a research team attempting to
locate the ships from the original Franklin expedition thought to be in
the vicinity of O'Reilly Island. The cost of the trip for each
researcher is estimated to be $400 USD per day, which includes ship
berth, all meals, and lab bench space.

The WHITE HOLLY, currently based in Sausalito, California, is a
high-endurance expedition vessel. The ship is 133 feet long, with an
all-steel hull, having a 10-ton main boom and bunks and bedding for
twelve researchers.

Applicants are invited to submit research proposals by Thursday, 20
March 2008, to: arctic [at]

Proposals should include:
- brief project abstract, including goals and methods;
- designation of which portion of the tentative route best suits the
- estimated number of people in research team;
- investigator-supplied equipment (especially large items);
- electrical power required;
- bench space requested;
- weight and details of instruments, nets, and/or winch to be towed and
deployed, if applicable;
- communication needs while on board (vessel carries an Iridium
transceiver and provides daily e-mail transfers); and
- funding availability and sources.

The proposed route and itinerary is as follows:
1) The Southern: San Francisco to Juneau via the Inside Passage
2) The Gulf of Alaska: Juneau to Dutch Harbor via the Aleutian Peninsula
3) The Bering Sea: Dutch Harbor to Pt. Barrow via the Bearing Sea
4) The Alaskan North Slope: Pt Barrow to Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest
Territory, Canada (when ice breaks; three-day journey)
5) The Canadian Arctic: Tuktoyaktuk to Cambridge Bay, Nunavut (when ice
breaks; five-day journey)

For further information, including a detailed description of the vessel
and tentative route and itinerary (including maps), please go to: