
Position Announcement
Director of Climate and Cryosphere
Climate and Cryosphere International Project Office
Norwegian Polar Institute
Tromso, Norway

Application Deadline: 16 November 2007

For further information please contact:
Vladimir Ryabinin
Phone: +41-22-730-8486
E-mail: vryabinin [at]

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Norwegian Polar
Institute (NPI) invite applications for the position of Director of the
Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) International Project Office (CIPO). The
Director will lead the international coordination and support of CliC
activities and will ensure that the Project Office operates efficiently,
while actively serving the needs of the WCRP.

This position will report directly to the Director of the WCRP and will
work in cooperation with the WCRP Joint Planning Staff (JPS). On
administrative matters of direct relevance to the Norwegian Polar
Institute (NPI), this position will be directly responsible to the
research Director at the (NPI). The successful candidate will provide
an effective executive arm for the CliC Scientific Steering Group (SSG),
its panels, and working groups. He or she will also be required to
develop a broader interest in the WCRP and its diverse activities,
especially in the implementation of WCRP strategy for the years
2005-2015. The Director's responsibilities will include diverse
projects, management responsibilities, and communications, including but
not limited to the following:
- management of the CIPO staff, budget, and operations
- assistance in the conduct of meetings and other CliC related activities
- facilitation of CliC's contribution to WCRP's objectives and goals
- updates of CliC project documentation - reports on meetings and
project-related events
- liaison and coordination of pertinent information to WCRP scientists
and working groups -facilitation of the project newsletter and other web
publications -participation in and organization of meetings
- conduct of consultations between agencies and institutions
- promotion of CliC objectives in various science communities
- research of sources for maintenance of CIPO funding

To carry out these duties, the incumbent will be required to undertake a
significant amount of travel. The successful candidate will be obliged
to take Norwegian language lessons. The position is expected to commence
on 1 February 2008, or as soon as possible thereafter. A four-year
commitment to the position is expected, with the possibility of

Applicants will be expected to have:
- a PhD or equivalent qualification in atmospheric, oceanographic,
environmental or other climate-related sciences (expertise in climate
studies related to the cryosphere would be especially appropriate)
- broad knowledge of climate, cryospheric, and other related Earth
System science
- ability to communicate effectively with a broad range of project
stakeholders, including scientists and students from a wide range of
disciplines and backgrounds, data managers, funding staff, policy
makers, managers of scientific programs and institutes, and technical
and other support staff
- fluency in written and spoken English (ability to work in other
languages will be an advantage)
- previous involvement in the organization of multi-disciplinary
scientific projects
- demonstrated ability to manage a team responsible for supporting an
international scientific project
- knowledge of national and international sources and the funding
processes for large-scale scientific programs (familiarity with Earth
System science research organizations would be an advantage)
- ability to build public relations and promote CliC internationally.

To apply, please submit a complete curriculum vitae, names and contact
details of three people willing to provide letters of recommendation,
and a statement (2-4 pages) detailing what you would bring to this job
and which personal skills and experience would allow you to meet the
selection criteria.

Applications and inquiries should be addressed to:
Vladimir Ryabinin
Joint Planning Staff for WCRP
c/o World Meteorological Organization
7bis, Avenue de le Paix Cas Postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland

Fax: +41-0-22-730-8036
Phone: +41-22-730-8486
E-mail: vryabinin [at]

Submission of applications by e-mail is strongly encouraged.

More information on the WCRP can be found at
More information on CliC can be found at:
More information on NPI can be found at: