
Resource Available
2021 Sea Ice Outlook Post-Season Report

Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2

To access the report, go to:

The Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2 (SIPN2) announces the release of the 2021 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Post-Season Report—a community network activity led by the SIPN2 Project Team, with contributions from key partners, to advance our understanding of the state and evolution of Arctic sea-ice cover.

This report includes a review of the 2021 SIO contributions and sea-ice extent anomalies, discussions and analysis of observed Arctic conditions during the sea-ice retreat season, a review of Antarctic conditions and contributions, discussions of SIO forecast methods and skill relative to control forecasts, information about new data products for sea-ice forecasting, and a summary from the Sea Ice Drift Forecast Experiment (SIDFEx).

The Sea Ice Outlook is an effort managed by SIPN2 that provides an open process for those interested in Arctic sea ice to share ideas.

To access the report, go to:

For questions, please contact:
Betsy Turner-Bogren, ARCUS
Email: betsy [at]