Call for Collaborators
Polar Research Projects
iC3 Polar Research Hub
For more information, go to:
Twenty-six research projects affiliated with the iC3 Polar Research Hub in Tromsø, Norway are welcoming inquiries from potential collaborators. The projects focus on ice sheets, oceans, carbon, and the climate in the Arctic and Antarctica.
iC3 believes that polar research benefits from collaboration – across institutions, across borders, and especially across scientific disciplines - and is keen to link up with people doing exciting work in these fields.
iC3 is a research center based in Tromsø, Arctic Norway. They produce ground-breaking insights into how the links between ice sheets, carbon cycles and ocean ecosystems are impacting life on earth, and have a ten-year funding horizon, which will enable them to build long-term relationships with people and institutions who share their passion for polar research.
For more information, and a list of projects and contact information, go to:
For questions, contact:
Terri Souster, iC3 Polar Research Hub
Email: ic3manager [at]