The 4th European Conference on Permafrost – IPA Regional Conference (EUCOP4), will be held in Évora, Portugal from 18 to 21 June 2014. The conference will cover all aspects of permafrost research, engineering and outreach and will have a Global scope, including planetary permafrost.
Sessions at EUCOP4 will be driven by the scientific community and we hereby open the call for session proposals, which should be submitted on-line until 30 March 2013.
Each session should have two conveners, which will be responsible for the final selection of abstracts and for their organization into oral or poster presentations. By 30 April 2013, a decision will be presented on acceptance of submitted sessions. The decision will be made based on the scientific interest and quality of the session, potential to attract participants, thematic overlap and number of available slots at the conference. Invitation of one key-note speaker for each session is expected.
If key fields are not represented in the submitted list of session proposals, EUCOP4 National and International Scientific Committees will organize special session proposals to guarantee a wide scope for the conference.
The call for abstracts for the accepted sessions will be open until 15 December 2013. After that date, depending on number of abstracts being submitted to each session, EUCOP4 Scientific Committees may propose session joining or cancelling. The selection of abstracts will be made by session conveners until 30 January 2014 and decisions will be communicated to authors by then. The final program will be ready in March 2014.
The online form for submitting session proposals is available below and will remain open until 31 March 2013. If you intend to submit a session proposal, the following items will be requested in the online form:
- Title of session;
- Convenors (name, affiliation, and e-mail);
- Session description (max. 300 words);
- Name and affiliation of one confirmed keynote speakers who has agreed to contribute a presentation to this session.