The Science Coordination Office (SCO) for Summit and the Greenland Inland Traverse (GrIT) invites you to take part in the 2014 GEOSummit Workshop to be held following the NASA IceBridge and PARCA Planning Meetings at the Goddard Space Flight Center.
The All-day Workshop is scheduled for 31 January, 2014 and will be focused on Scientific Results and Future Research Directions on the ice sheet; including traverse science, research at Summit, and activities at the new Isi Station.
Attendees will be expected to present brief summary of recent results (if applicable) but should focus on current hypotheses that guide planned future work. Funded, pending, and early stage ideas are all sought. If you are part of a large coordinated effort (NOAA, LTO, ICECAPS) understand that we may ask you to present a coordinated overview depending on the number of participants.
Please provide a brief abstract of your activities and confirm your participation (and whether you request travel support -- prioritized to young investigators) by email to:
Katrine Gorham
katrine [at]