We are pleased to invite you to Berlin, Germany to participate in the international conference “Our Climate – Our Future, Regional perspectives on a global challenge” which will be held from 6–9 October, 2014 and in particular to consider submitting an abstract to our Session2: Sea level changes from global to regional and local scales and to Session 3: Arctic Change. Internationally outstanding scientists will present their keynotes during the conference, namely Prof. Dr. Jason Box (Kopenhagen, Denmark) for Session 2 and Prof. Dr. Larry Hinzman (Fairbanks, Alaska) for Session 3.
The Climate Initiative REKLIM, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and the Helmholtz Association are pleased to be your host at this conference. The scientific programme will offer a broad and interdisciplinary spectrum of current international and national research in the field of regional climate change.
At this conference following topics will be addressed:
- Session 1: Regional climate system modelling
- Session 2: Sea level changes from global to regional and local scales
- Session 3: Arctic Change
- Session 4: The land surface in the climate system
- Session 5: Atmospheric composition and climate: Interactions from global to regional scale
- Session 6: Extreme meteorological events and their impacts in a changing climate
- Session 7: Integrated strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Session 8: Rapid climate change in the past – mechanisms, processes and regional patterns
The conference will consist of plenary meetings, parallel sessions and poster sessions. It is followed by a public engagement day on 'Regional climate change – causes and effects' on the 9th of October 2014 focusing on the dialogue between scientists and decision makers (Please note: this event will be in German to include local stakeholders!).
The deadline for abstracts submission has been extended to June, 15, 2014