Event Type
Conferences and Workshops

Problems of the Arctic Region

Event Dates
Murmansk, Russia

The 16th International Scientific Conference for Students and Post-graduates “Problems of the Arctic Region” is devoted to scientific, environmental, technical, economic, and social aspects of the development of the Arctic. The conference will be divided into sections:

  • Biology and Medicine
  • Chemistry and Technology
  • Ecology of the North
  • Economical problems of Arctic development
  • Education in the Arctic region
  • Geology and Geophysics of the Arctic Region
  • Hydrobiology
  • Information Technologies and Mathematical Methods
  • Marine biology
  • Physical studies
  • Humanitarian and Social problems

Suggestions on new topics are welcome. The conference will be introduced by a plenary report on one of burning issues of modern science.

Students and post-graduates interested in participating in the Conference are welcome to e-mail their registration forms and papers to the Steering Committee until 21 April 2016.

For more information on registration and the conference, please follow the link above.