Event Type

Call for Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Science Steering Committee Member Nominations

Event Dates

Nomination submission deadline:
Sunday, 4 June 2017

Nominations should be sent to:
Brit Myers, ARCUS
Email: brit [at] arcus.org

For questions about directions in the SEARCH program, please contact:
Brendan Kelly, SEARCH Executive Director
Email: bpkelly [at] alaska.edu
Or, any other member of the Science Steering Committee:

For further information about the SEARCH program, please visit:

To learn about other opportunities to get involved in SEARCH program activities, please visit:

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) program announces call for nominations of 3-4 new Science Steering Committee (SSC) members. SEARCH is a collaborative program of Arctic researchers, funding agencies, and others that facilitates synthesis of Arctic science and communicates our current understanding to help society respond to a rapidly changing Arctic. 

The SSC is comprised of 12-14 members. Three to four new members will be selected to join the SEARCH SSC based on this nomination process. Members serve a three-year term, with a maximum of two consecutive terms. No more than two members may be based from non-U.S. institutions. SEARCH seeks nominations of candidates that are broad and cross-disciplinary thinkers, are good communicators and consensus-builders, and have a strong commitment to the SEARCH vision (included at the end of this solicitation). We welcome nominations from all disciplines and research backgrounds.

SSC members are expected to:

  • Define and update the SEARCH vision and mission;
  • Guide overall directions of SEARCH implementation;
  • Promote and communicate SEARCH activities and plans;
  • Provide a supervisory role for the SEARCH Executive Director;
  • Work with the SEARCH Executive Director to establish strong linkages and partnerships with other relevant programs, agencies, and organizations;
  • Approve annual SEARCH work plans and reports; and
  • Attend and be active participants in regular SSC meetings and working groups.

The SSC has four regular meetings each year. In-person meetings are typically held twice a year in June and December (travel support provided).

Nominations should include the person's name, affiliation, contact information, area of expertise, curriculum vitae or resume, and a brief statement on why the person would be an asset to the SEARCH program. To submit a nomination, you should first obtain the consent of the nominee. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations should be sent to Brit Myers, ARCUS (SEARCH Science Management Office) at brit [at] arcus.org.

Nominations will be reviewed by the current SSC in June 2017. Invitations to join the SSC will go out to selected candidates prior to the committee’s next regular meeting scheduled to take place in September 2017.

The SEARCH Vision:
Scientific understanding of Arctic environmental change to help society understand and respond to a rapidly changing Arctic.

The SEARCH Mission:
Advancing scientific understanding and collaboration to help society respond to a rapidly changing Arctic.

Towards this mission, SEARCH:

  • Generates and synthesizes research findings and promotes Arctic science and scientific discovery across disciplines and among agencies.
  • Identifies emerging issues in Arctic environmental change.
  • Provides scientific information to Arctic stakeholders, policy-makers, and the public to help them understand and respond to Arctic environmental change.
  • Facilitates research activities across local-to-global scales, with an emphasis on addressing needs of decision-makers.
  • Collaborates with national and international science programs integral to SEARCH goals.

For further information about the SEARCH program, please visit: