Event Type
Conferences and Workshops
Event Dates
2018-10-30 - 2018-10-31
Budapest, Hungary

There is no fee for the registration but registration is mandatory as the number of participants is limited to 150. We also have a few travel support grants for Early Stage Researchers (up to PhD plus 6 years). Application is done during the abstract submission and the selection will be done by the scientific committee.

Important dates:

7 September 2018: abstract submission deadline. Abstract submission form is now available here
21 September 2018: acceptance for oral/poster
21 September 2018: registration without abstract open
15 October 2018: registration deadline (or up to 150 participants)


Each session will have posters and 3-5 talks (15 min incl. discussion) depending on submissions.

  1. Intercomparison of measurement methods , remote sensing product and assessment of their errors
  2. Recommendations on measurement methods and instrumentation
  3. Snow observation reporting and dissemination
  4. Snow data assimilation methods in NWP, hydrology, and other disciplines
  5. Representation of errors in NWP, hydrological and climate models
  6. Intercomparison of snow models and future of snow modeling across disciplines
  7. Actions and methods for training snow scientists and observers
  8. Harmonization strategies across international organizations and other activities