Stephen M. Fiore: Team Science as Collaborative Cognition in Complex Contexts - 8 March 2017
Science has long recognized the challenges associated with interdisciplinary research – from the tacit norms associated with the discipline bound university department to the difficulty inherent in communicating and collaborating across disciplines. Despite this fact, we have continually struggled with overcoming the challenges arising from interdisciplinary interaction. This is a particularly complex form of collaborative cognition where knowledge from varied fields needs to elicited and integrated. In this talk I first discuss interdisciplinary research in the context of team science. I focus on the developing field of the science of team science. This area of inquiry is designed to support a broad swath of team researchers such that we can examine basic and applied scientific issues of tremendous societal importance. Second, I provide detail on specific challenges faced by scientists working in teams (e.g., conflict) and how these can be better understood and addressed. My goal is provide macro and micro level perspectives on scientific teamwork and show how a multidisciplinary approach to theory and practice can contribute to understanding and improving solving important scientific and societal problems.