Partners of the Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook program met for a two-day workshop hosted by ARCUS and the Eskimo Walrus Commission, 25–26 March 2023 in Nome, Alaska to focus on relationship building, steering the future of the SIWO following the evaluation completed in early 2023, and capacity building for SIWO observers. The workshop was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Arctic Sciences Section (Award #1928794).
Sheffield Guy, L., V. Metcalf, M. Barr, C. Irrigoo, A. Hendricks, R. Metzger, C. Nayokpuk, M. Ozenna, J. Prewitt, G. Sheffield, S. Rosengard, M. Schreck, K. Sopow, R. Thoman, and R. Tokeinna. 2023. Workshop Report: Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook Partners Workshop, 25–26 March 2023, Nome, Alaska. 8 pp.
Download the workshop report (PDF - 3.3 MB)
View and download 2023 SIWO Partners Workshop Report Appendix Materials.