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First Name Last Name Email
Vladimir Papitashvili vpapita@nsf.gov

Organization: U.S. National Science Foundation

Department: Division of Polar Programs

Title: Program Director, Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences

Specialties: astrophysics, space physics, geomagnetism

Alexander Papusha alexander.papusha@mstu.edu.ru

Organization: Murmansk State Technical University

Department: Technical Mechanics Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: mathematics, mechanical engineering, seismology

Current Research: Symbolic and numerical calculations in Mathematica 3. Marine seismology data obtained from the field experience in North seas of Russia.

Serge Paradis sparadis@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Quebec Geoscience Centre

Title: Research Officer

Specialties: glacial geomorphology, mapping, glacial geochemistry

Current Research: Mapping surficial deposits in subarctic (northern Quebec). Mapping transect from eastern Hudson Bay coast to the Torngats.

Sivan Parameswaran sivan.parameswaran@nrc.ca

Organization: Carleton University

Department: NRC of Canada

Title: Retired Researcher, Adjunct Professor

Specialties: permafrost engineering, ice physics, materials engineering

Current Research: Field monitoring of freezing/thawing fronts in freezing ground.

Michel Parent michel.parent@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Quebec Geoscience Centre

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: glacial geology, quaternary geology, environmental geology

Current Research: Quaternary stratigraphy and events in southeastern Canada. Late Quaternary glacial dynamics and ice-flow patterns in Nunavik. Provenance and composition of glacial sediments. Mineral exploration research. Late Quaternary sea level changes. .

Robert Park rwpark@watarts.uwaterloo.ca

Organization: University of Waterloo

Department: Department of Anthropology and Classical Studies

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: archaeology, Inuit culture

Current Research: Archaeological research on Baffin Island, Nunavut.

Katherine Parker parker@unbc.ca

Organization: University of Northern British Columbia

Department: Ecosystem Science and Management Program

Title: Professor

Specialties: nutritional ecology, bioenergetics, wildlife

Current Research: Nutritional ecology. Animal strategies at different spatial and temporal scales.

David Parker dparker@gov.nu.ca

Organization: Government of Nunavut

Department: Capital Programs

Title: Senior. Engineer

Specialties: engineering

Current Research: arctic climate and engineering

Claire Parkinson claire.l.parkinson@nasa.gov

Organization: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Department: Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory

Title: Climate Change Senior Scientist

Specialties: sea ice, remote sensing, climate change

Current Research: Satellite remote sensing of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. Time series analyses of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extents. Sea ice and climate change.

Alan Parkinson ajp1@cdc.gov

Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Department: Arctic Investigations Program

Title: Deputy Director

Specialties: public health

Current Research: Medicine. Human health. Infectious diseases.

Murty Parnandi parnandi@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Terrain Sciences Division

Title: Environmental Chemist

Specialties: geochemistry, glaciology

Current Research: Paleo climatic studies of arctic snow and ice chemistry and microparticles.

Mark Parrington mark.parrington@ecmwf.int

Organization: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Department: Copernicus

Title: Scientist

Specialties: atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, forest fire emissions, anthropogenic emissions

Tine Pars tipa@uni.gl

Organization: Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland

Department: Ilisimatusarfik

Specialties: nutrition, epidemiology

Current Research: Nutrition surveys.

Mark Parsons parsom3@rpi.edu

Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Department: National Snow and Ice Data Center

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: data management

Patricia Partnow ppartnow@alaska.net

Title: private consultant

Specialties: anthropology, Native studies, folklore

Current Research: Human, folkloric, and cultural dimensions of place Alutiiq history and culture. Unangan history and culture. Ethnicity studies. Community-building through oral tradition. Multi-cultural curriculum design.

Pineau Pascaline pineau_pascaline@cat.com

Specialties: logistics

Current Research: Open works and opportunities to work in Antarctica.

Timothy Pasch timothy.pasch@und.edu

Organization: University of North Dakota

Department: Communication

Title: Associate Professor, Communication

Specialties: information systems/technology, communications, Inuktitut language

Current Research: My research focuses on circumpolar Arctic social networks. In particular, Inuktitut language use and preservation online in Nunavik and Greenland, virtual communities of the Ainu and Sami, and online social linkages between circumpolar communities.

Anne Pasch afadp@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Department of Geology

Title: Professor, Emeritus

Specialties: geology, paleobotany, paleontology

Uta Passow passow@lifesci.ucsb.edu

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

Specialties: biological oceanography, phytoplankton, marine ecology

John Pastor jpastor@nrri.umn.edu

Organization: University of Minnesota

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: boreal forests, ecosystem modeling, mathematics

Current Research: Response of northern peatlands to climate warming.

Robert Patrick bobp@apiai.com

Organization: Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association Inc.

Department: Department of Community Services

Title: Environmental Project Coordinator

Specialties: subsistence, Native issues

Current Research: Arctic subsistence. Tribal oversite of monitoring and assessment of nuclear testing on Amchitka Island, Alaska. Main area of interest is the Aleutian/Pribilof Region of Alaska.

Michael Patterson mpatterson@usclivar.org

Organization: U.S. CLIVAR Climate Variability and Predictability Program

Title: Director

Specialties: climate change, oceanography, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: Coordinating the US CLIVAR research program.

Clayton Paulson cpaulson@oce.orst.edu

Organization: Oregon State University

Department: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Specialties: physical oceanography, air-sea-ice interactions, boundary-layer meteorology

Current Research: -The role of melt ponds in air-ice-sea interaction

Brian Paust ffbcp@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska Marine Advisory Program

Specialties: fisheries, aquaculture, community development

Current Research: Development of aquatic farming (aquaculture) in cold-water regions.

Rekant Pavel rekant@vniio.nw.ru

Organization: VNIIOkeangeologia

Department: Department of Geological Mapping of Shelf Areas

Title: Geological Scientist

Specialties: quaternary geology

Current Research: Seismic stratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean and adjacent shelves. Quaternary geology of the Arctic. Marine geology.