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First Name Last Name Email
Anne Gunn Rike agr@ngi.no

Organization: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Department: Department of Environmental Technology

Title: Ph.D, Senior scientist

Specialties: environmental contaminants, microbiology, hydrocarbon pollution

Current Research: Degradation of organic compounds and petroleum in permafrost

Richard Ring raring@uvic.ca

Organization: University of Victoria

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: entomology, biodiversity, global warming

Current Research: Arctic insect ecophysiology (cold hardiness) and diversity.

Marc Ringuette marc.ringuette@giroq.ulaval.ca

Organization: Université Laval

Department: GIROQ - Oceanography

Title: Ph.D. Student

Specialties: biological oceanography, zooplankton, marine ecology

Current Research: International North Water Polynya study.

Annette Rinke arinke@awi-potsdam.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Atmospheric Physics

Specialties: climate modeling, air-sea-ice interactions, meteorology

Current Research: Regional climate modeling.

Riikka Rinnan riikkar@bio.ku.dk

Organization: University of Copenhagen

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Associate professor

Specialties: biogeochemistry, climate change, ecophysiology

Current Research: My current research is mainly focused on the controls of the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC), especially in the Arctic. I have a broad background in environmental science and ecology, and my interests include processes related to the soil carbon storage, plant-soil interactions, and ecosystem-atmosphere interactions.

Jan Riseth jan.age.riseth@samf.norut.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Technology

Specialties: economics, reindeer breeding

Current Research: Reindeer management and pastoral studies. Waste management.

Kaj Riska kaj.riska@total.com

Organization: Total S.A.

Title: Consulting Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Specialties: marine engineering, ice mechanics, offshore structures

Current Research: Arctic Naval architecture. Ship-ice interaction. Ice resistance of ships. Ice conditions description.

John Ritter ffjtr@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska Native Language Center

Specialties: Athabaskan studies, linguistics, education

Current Research: Athabaskan languages. Athabaskan Toponomy - Alaska and Yukon Territory. Phonological and Grammatical Studies of Specific Athabaskan Languages: Tanacross, Upper Tanana, Han, Gwich'in, Northern and Southern Tutchone, Kaska, and Tagish. Text Collections: Gwich'in, Han, Northern Tutchone. Training of Athabaskan Teachers and Language Specialists. Studies of Tukudh, the traditional liturgical language of the Gwich'in people. Materials Development for Second-Language Programs.

Trevor Rivers trivers@dll.uscg.mil

Organization: U.S. Coast Guard

Department: Icebreaker Operations

Specialties: marine biology, marine invertebrates, oceanography

Current Research: Bioluminescence in Cnidarians. Biodiversity.

Felix Rivkin f-rivkin@narod.ru

Department: Department of geocryology investigation

Title: Doctor of science

Specialties: cryosphere, ice

Current Research: Engineering geocryology survey for construction (field mapping, mapping, GIS-technology, environmental impact assessment). Icing, interaction pipelines with frozen grounds CH4 emission and the methane content in frozen grounds.

Stafford Roach droach@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Sport Fish Division

Title: Fisheries Biologist

Specialties: fish populations, fisheries management

Current Research: Northern pike research. Fish population dynamics.

Richard Robarts richard.robarts@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: UNEP GEMS/Water Collaborating Centre

Title: Director, Ph.D.

Specialties: limnology, microbiology, water quality

Current Research: Water quality assessment in the Russian Arctic.

Joëlle Robert-Lamblin joelle.robert-lamblin@evolhum.cnrs.fr

Organization: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Center for Scientific Research

Department: Dynamique de l'Evolution Humaine

Title: Director of Research at C.N.R.S.

Specialties: anthropology, demography, social change

Current Research: Human/environment interaction Sociocultural adaptation and acculturation of Aleute, Ammassalik Inuit, and minorities of Northeast Siberia. Circumpolar cultures. Native transistions. Religion/belief systems.

Gregory Robertson greg.robertson@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Canadian Wildlife Service

Title: Research Scientist-Marine Birds and Ecosystems

Specialties: population biology, population ecology, avian ecology

Current Research: Population biology of arctic marine birds, specifically those facing significant anthropogenic impacts (oil pollution, hunting and fisheries).

Donna Robertson dgrwest@sinbad.net

Organization: Western EcoSystems Technology

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: waterfowl, data processing/analysis, mapping

Current Research: Snow goose foraging ecology during migration through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Develop base layers of bathymetry and invertebrate distribution for Bering and Chukchi Sea Ecosystem GIS database.

Deborah Robinson deborah.b.robinson@dartmouth.edu

Organization: Dartmouth College

Department: Institute of Arctic Studies

Title: Research Fellow

Specialties: resource policy, fisheries management, Native rights

Current Research: Editor, Northern Notes. Human aspects of caribou/reindeer.

David Robinson david.robinson@rutgers.edu

Organization: Rutgers University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: climate change, cryosphere, snow

Current Research: Snow cover distribution over northern hemisphere lands. Snow cover charting using satellite and in situ data. Snow-climate interactions.

Stephen Robinson srobinson@stlawu.edu

Organization: St. Lawrence University

Department: Department of Geology

Specialties: permafrost, geomorphology, geophysics

Current Research: Peatland carbon accumulation. Ground penetrating radar Infrastructure/permafrost. Climate change.

Philip Robinson robinson.phil@epa.gov

Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Department: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

Title: Chief, Liaison Branch

Specialties: subsistence, environmental contaminants

Current Research: Exposure/risk assessment.

Daniel Roby daniel.roby@orst.edu

Organization: Oregon State University

Department: USGS-Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Specialties: avian ecology

Line Rochefort line.rochefort@fsaa.ulaval.ca

Organization: Université Laval

Department: Département de phytologie

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, wetlands, climate change

Current Research: Re-vegetation Bryology Ecosystem Science Sustainable development -Peatland restoration and rehabilitation (bogs and ferns) -Sphagnum culture -Arctic wetlands ecology

Gilbert Rochon

Organization: Nevin Scrimshaw International Nutrition Foundation

Department: United Nations University (UNU) Food and Nutrition Programme

Specialties: remote sensing, climate change, geographic information systems

Current Research: Siberia: Lake Baikal ecosystem. Regional impacts of global climate change. Urban ecosystems and global change.

Jennifer Rock j.rock@bangor.ac.uk

Organization: University of Wales

Department: School of Biological Sciences

Specialties: ecophysiology, evolution, animal genetics

Current Research: Latitudinal gradients and the evolutionary adaptation of heavy chain myosin genes in gammarid amphipods.

Robert Rockwell rfr@amnh.org

Organization: American Museum of Natural History

Department: Ornithology Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: population biology, predator/prey systems, plant/herbivore relations, arctic ecology

Current Research: Polar bears. Population and community dynamics of inhabitants of coastal tundra.

Joao Rodrigues jmr64@cam.ac.uk

Organization: University of Cambridge

Department: Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Specialties: electromagnetic modeling, sea ice