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First Name Last Name Email
Joseph Sapiano ftjjs1@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Specialties: glaciology, geophysics

Current Research: The calculation of glacier elevation, volume and terminus changes by remapping with airborne laser altimetry.

Shiro Sasaki ssasaki@idc.minpaku.ac.jp

Organization: National Museum of Ethnology

Department: Department of Research Development

Title: Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Specialties: cultural anthropology, ethnohistory, Siberian peoples

Current Research: Survival strategy of indigenous peoples in Siberia and Far East in Post-Soviet Russia. Traditional nature usage of indigenous peoples on Amur Basin and Primorskii region.

Tadahiro Sato tsato@miz.nao.ac.jp

Organization: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Department: Division of Earth Rotation

Title: PhD and Associate Professor

Specialties: geodynamics, geodesy

Current Research: Temporal gravity changes in the polar regions

Céline Saucier csaucier@videotron.ca

Title: Chair and CEO

Specialties: Inuit culture, art, cultural anthropology

François Saucier saucierf@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Department: Ocean Science Division

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: ocean circulation, climate modeling

Current Research: Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean regional climate modeling for the Canadian inland seas (Hudson Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence). NSERC-Clivar Program. International SOLAS program. Canadian Panel on Energy Research and Development. Canadian Regional Climate Model development.

Peter Sauer pesauer@indiana.edu

Organization: Indiana University

Department: Department of Geological Sciences

Title: Postdoctoral Investigator

Specialties: organic geochemistry, paleoclimatology, paleolimnology

Current Research: Compound-specific isotope ratios, eastern Canadian Arctic paleoenvironments.

Jeffrey Saunders saunders@museum.state.il.us

Organization: Illinois State Museum

Department: Research and Collections Center

Title: Curator and Chair

Specialties: quaternary zoology, quaternary ecology, paleobiology

Current Research: Interested in (but not with expertise in) seasonal variations in processes affecting the preservation and alteration of skeletal materials in arctic regions.

Patricia Saunders psaunder@ashland.edu

Organization: Ashland University

Department: Department of Biology and Toxicology

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecology, zooplankton, biogeochemistry

Current Research: North Water (NOW), Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES).

Alan Saunders alan.saunders@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada

Title: Manager, IT Projects/Government On-Line

Specialties: arctic science policy, information systems/technology, political science

Current Research: Chair, Arctic Data Directory Council (IASC Project Group). National Antarctic Data Manager. Canadian representative, Joint Committee on Antarctic Data Management. Development of Canadian Polar Information Network (CPIN). Editor, Meridian; Canadian Antarctic Research Network Newsletter. Member, Northern Science and Technology Working Group Head of IT.

Jean-Pierre Savard jean-pierre.savard@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Science and Technology

Title: Scientist emeritus

Specialties: avian ecology, avian biology, avian behavior, sea ducks, forest birds, urban birds

Current Research: Wildlife. Wildlife management. Distribution and ecology of sea ducks.

Arkady Savinetsky arkadybs@newmail.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution

Specialties: quaternary paleoecology, zoology, radiocarbon dating

Current Research: History of near-sea ecosystems of Chukotka, Alaska, Aleutian Islands.

Takanobu Sawagaki sawagaki@ees.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science

Specialties: glacial geology, glacial geomorphology, quaternary geology

Steven Sawhill steven.sawhill@dnvgl.com

Organization: DNV GL

Department: Maritime Advisory

Title: Principal Consultant

Specialties: sea ice navigation, human/environment interaction, resource development, offshore structures

Current Research: Winterization of ships, mobile offshore units, and offshore installations.

Brian Saylor anbls@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies

Specialties: health care, public health, public policy

Current Research: Rural Alaska Native substance abuse treatment. Home and community-based, long-term care services.

Theodore Scambos tascambos@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences - National Snow and Ice Data Center (CIRES/NSIDC)

Title: Research Scientist, Earth Science & Observation Center

Specialties: glaciology, remote sensing, sea ice dynamics

Current Research: AVHRR-based sea ice motion and ice surface temperature products. Greenland ice dynamics and topography.

Jeanne Schaaf jeanne_schaaf@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Title: Chief, Cultural Resources Lake Clark Katmai National Park

Specialties: archaeology, Athabaskan studies, Alutiiq culture

Current Research: Alaska Peninsula and Bristol Bay Archaeology Mink Island and Round Island excavations

Christina Schaedel cschaedel@woodwellclimate.org

Organization: Woodwell Climate Research Center

Department: Center for Ecosystem Science and Society

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: Permafrost carbon, Arctic ecosystems, synthesis science, science collaboration,

Janet Schaefer janet_schaefer@dnr.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Department: Alaska Volcano Observatory - Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS)

Title: Geologist

Specialties: volcanology, geographic information systems, geology

Current Research: Current work involves GIS mapping for the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Master's thesis work in tephrochronology of volcanoes in the Wrangell Mountains area, including Mt. Drum.

Audhild Schanche audhild.schanche@nsi.no

Organization: Sámi University of Applied Sciences

Title: Director

Specialties: archaeology, environmental policy, religion/belief systems

Current Research: Sami knowledge. Cultural landscapes. Environmental management.

Christoffer Schander c.schander@zool.gu.se

Organization: University of Gothenburg

Department: Department of Zoology

Specialties: invertebrate zoology, invertebrate biology, biogeography

Current Research: Greenlandic molluscs.

Greg Scharfen scharfen@kryos.colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences - National Snow and Ice Data Center (CIRES/NSIDC)

Title: Archive Coordinator

Specialties: cryospheric remote sensing, climate change, remote sensing

Ursula Schauer uschauer@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Climate System

Specialties: fjord/shelf oceanography, ocean circulation, global change

Current Research: Shelf-Basin Interaction in the Barents Sea. Exchange between Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas (EU-VEINS).

Stephen Scheckler stephen@vt.edu

Organization: Virginia Tech

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Professor of Botany

Specialties: paleontology, paleoecology, paleobotany

Current Research: Devonian paleobotany, paleofloristics, and paleoecology of Franklionian. Geosyncline exposed on Ellesmere, Melville, Bathurst, and Devon islands of Arctic Canada.

Christian Scheibner scheibne@uni-bremen.de

Organization: University of Bremen

Department: Department of Geosciences

Specialties: geology, geoclimatology, geochronology

Current Research: Carboniferous-Permian Carbonate platforms of Svalbard

Donald Schell

Specialties: marine chemistry, marine mammals, stable isotopes

Current Research: Stable isotope ratios and radioisotope tracers in marine and terrestrial environments. Marine mammal tropic dynamics. Marine nutrient cycling. Nutrient cycles in tundra and tundra streams. Habitat usage by bowhead whales, right whales and narwhales.