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First Name | Last Name | ||
Renee | Tatusko | renee.l.tatusko@noaa.gov | Organization: U.S. National Weather Service, Alaska Region Department: Environmental Science and Services Division Title: Acting Deputy Chief, Environmental Science & Services Division Specialties: climate change, atmospheric sciences, Alaska/Russian relations, observing |
Maurice | Tavares | mtavares@whoi.edu | Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department: Administration Department Title: Manager, Grant and Contract Services Specialties: public policy Current Research: policy discussion and development with many issues that are related to the Arctic. |
Derek | Taylor | djtaylor@acsu.buffalo.edu | Organization: University at Buffalo Department: Department of Biological Sciences Specialties: evolution, zooplankton, biosystematics Current Research: Evolution and biogeography of Arctic freshwater animals. |
William | Taylor | billta@fishgame.state.ak.us | Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Department: Division of Wildlife Conservation Specialties: veterinary medicine, bird populations Current Research: Arctic upland bird and small mammal population cycles.Alaskan wildlife chemical immobilization drugs and dosages.Ptarmigan and grouse population. |
Audrey | Taylor | audrey@arcus.org | Organization: Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. Title: Executive Director Specialties: environmental monitoring, avian ecology, bird migration Current Research: Landscape ecology.Postbreeding distribution and ecology of shorebirds on Alaska's North Slope.Effects of sixty years of environmental change on shorebird breeding ecology in Barrow, Alaska. |
Robert | Taylor | botaylor@nrcan.gc.ca | Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography Department: Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic Specialties: shoreline morphology, coastal management, sea ice dynamics Current Research: Canadian Arctic Archipelago--coastal processes and mapping and long-term monitoring of shoreline sites. |
Dale | Taylor | dale_taylor@nbs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Department: Biological Resources Division Title: Wildlife Research Biologist Specialties: ecology, Alaska/Russian relations, environmental monitoring Current Research: Beringian science program.Developing comprehensive environmental monitoring program. |
Kendrick | Taylor | kendrick@dri.edu | Organization: University of Nevada, Reno Department: Desert Research Institute Title: Researcher Specialties: glaciology, climatology Current Research: GISP2. |
Eric | Taylor | eric_taylor@fws.gov | Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Department: Division of Migratory Bird Management Title: Fish and Wildlife Biologist Specialties: wetland ecology, oil and gas development, offshore development Current Research: Breeding biology of Common Goldeneye Ducks in Interior Alaska.Nutrition, bioenergetics, molt of Black brant.Foraging ecology of seaducks. |
Kenton | Taylor | kenton.taylor@alaska.gov | Organization: Pebble Partnership Specialties: wildlife management |
Eric | Taylor | eric.taylor@nrcan.gc.ca | Organization: Government of Canada Department: Natural Resources Canada Title: Coordinator, Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network Specialties: resource management, climate change, climatology Current Research: Initiating a Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network. Network will include a northern component and will link Canadian researchers dealing with northern issues such as permafrost and landslides. Project is in planning stages. |
Susan | Taylor | staylor@crrel.usace.army.mil | Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Specialties: ice, snow characteristics, meteorites Current Research: Ice growth in an Alaskan salt marsh.Measuring the bidirectional reflectance distribution function of different types of snow. |
Patrick | Taylor | ptaylor@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov | Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Department: Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics Specialties: geomagnetism, geodynamics, tectonophysics Current Research: Geological and tectonic interpretation of magnetic data, mainly from satellites, for the Arctic.Quantitative comparison of aeromagnetic and satellite altitude magnetic data from the Arctic. |
James | Teeri | jateeri@umich.edu | Organization: University of Michigan Department: University of Michigan Biological Station Title: Director Specialties: ecology, climate change, ecophysiology Current Research: Impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2. |
Jonas | Teilmann | jte@bios.au.dk | Organization: Aarhus University Department: Department of Biosicence Title: Senior Scientist, Marine Mammal Researcher, Ph.D. Specialties: marine mammals, remote sensing, acoustics Current Research: CTD satellite tracking of bowhead whales in Greenland. |
James | Teller | tellerjt@ms.umanitoba.ca | Organization: University of Manitoba Department: Department of Geological Sciences Specialties: paleolimnology, quaternary geology, global change Current Research: Reconstructing pro-glacial lakes during the last deglaciation of North America and the associated routing of river runoff to the oceans. The impact of this freshwater runoff on ocean circulation. |
Anna | Temp | atemp@ed.ac.uk | Title: Research Assistant Specialties: Isolation & Confinement, Extreme Environment |
Ole | Tendal | ostendal@zmuc.ku.dk | Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen Department: Zoological Museum Specialties: marine invertebrates, biogeography, benthic ecology Current Research: Sponge and octocoral faunas of Greenland.Sponge fauna of the Norwegian, Greenland, and Polar seas.Zenophyophores of the arctic region. |
Monica | Tennberg | monica.tennberg@ulapland.fi | Organization: University of Lapland Department: Arctic Centre Title: Research professor Specialties: political science, sustainable development, adaptation, European Arctic Current Research: Adaptation, political economy, European Arctic |
John | Terhune | terhune@unbsj.ca | Organization: University of New Brunswick Department: Department of Biological Sciences Title: Professor emeritus Specialties: marine mammals, hearing, vocalizations, underwater noise, animal behavior Current Research: Underwater vocalizations of polar seals, emphasizing ways in which seals can avoid having their calls masked by conspecifics or industrial noises. |
Joseph | Terwilliger | jdt3.columbia@gmail.com | Organization: Columbia University Department: Department of Genetics and Development Title: Professor Specialties: genetics, epidemiology, population biology Current Research: Genetic linkage analysis - primarily in Finland and small northern populations.Genetic epidemiology. |
Jeff | Thayer | jeffrey.thayer@colorado.edu | Organization: University of Colorado Boulder Department: Aerospace Engineering Sciences Title: Associate Professor Specialties: atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics, auroral studies Current Research: Presently manage a field site near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland for the NSF (site houses over 20 different instruments whose focus is on atmospheric and space studies in the polar regions). |
Delphine | Thibault-Botha | botha@com.univ-mrs.fr | Organization: Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography Department: Laboratoire d'Océanographie et de Biogeochimie Specialties: zooplankton, ecology, aquatic systems Current Research: AOS ‘94 (Arctic Ocean Section): zooplankton composition of the Arctic Ocean in summer, biomass, abundance, metabolic rates.SHEBA ice camp.Pigment composition.DMS.Taxonomy of copepod and non-copepod zooplankton. |
Jörn | Thiede | jthiede@geomar.de | Organization: Saint Petersburg State University Department: Institute of Earth Sciences/ Köppen Laboratory Title: Professor Specialties: paleoceanography, paleontology, paleoclimatology, polar sciences Current Research: Late Cenozoic paleozeanology. |
Katherine | Thiesenhausen | wmacnwt@jointsec.nt.ca | Organization: Wildlife Management Advisory Council Department: Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT Title: Chair Specialties: wildlife management, natural resources management, science management Current Research: Approve spending implementation funding from our land claim on research projects (include king eider distribution research,charr population monitoring, and several caribou herd population and distribution studies). We are also signatories to internationalagreements on animal populations shared with other jurisdictions such as the Inuvialuit-Inupiat Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear Management Agreement (between Alaska and the western arctic of NWT Canada) and a Beluga Management Agreement between the same parties. |