Displaying 3826 - 3850 of 4100
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First Name | Last Name | ||
Martin | Wahlen | mwahlen@ucsd.edu | Organization: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Department: Geological Research Division (0220) Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, paleoclimatology, CO2 chemistry Current Research: GISP2.Vostoc.CO2.CH4.Delta 13-CO2. |
Norman | Wainwright | nwainwri@marinebio.mbl.edu | Organization: Marine Biological Laboratory Department: Ecosystems Center Title: Senior Scientist Specialties: marine biology, biochemistry, biodiversity Current Research: Cold water microbial diversity. |
Cameron | Wake | cwake@une.edu | Organization: University of New England Department: Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space Title: Director of UNE North Specialties: glaciology, atmospheric chemistry, ice chemistry Current Research: Penny Ice Cap: ice cores.Devon Ice Cap: ice cores. |
Waldemar | Walczowski | walczows@iopan.gda.pl | Organization: Polish Academy of Sciences Department: Institute of Oceanology Specialties: oceanography, ocean circulation, fjord/shelf oceanography Current Research: VEINS (Variability of Exchange In the Nordic Seas) - EU project.Investigations of structure, mass and heat transport, interannual variability of the West Spitsbergen Current.Oceanic fronts, cross-frontal exchange.Spitsbergen fjords, water masses, circulation. |
Donald | Walker | dawalker@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Alaska Geobotany Center Title: Alaska Geobotany Center Director Specialties: geographic information systems, landscape ecology, disturbance ecology Current Research: Hierarchic GIS for studies of process, pattern and scale in arctic ecosystems.Effects of altered snow and temperature regimes on arctic ecosystems.Cumulative effects of oil fields on arctic ecosystems. |
Marilyn | Walker | mwalker@mta.ca | Organization: Mount Allison University Department: Department of Sociology/Anthropology Specialties: anthropology, ethnobotany, human/environment interaction Current Research: Indigenous circumpolar architecture and traditional knowledge.Shamanism. |
Marilyn | Walker | ffmdw@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences Title: Associate Professor Specialties: landscape ecology, plant ecology, vegetation ecology Current Research: Long-term ecological research in boreal forests.Responses of tundra plants and vegetation to changes in summer temperature and winter snow regime.Patterns and dynamics of northern biodiversity. |
Ian | Walker | iwalker@ouc.bc.ca | Organization: Okanagan College Department: Department of Biology Title: Associate Professor Specialties: quaternary paleoecology, limnology, entomology Current Research: Chironomid palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology of Beringia, Baffin Island, and arctic Québec/Labrador. |
Diana | Wall | dwall@lternet.edu | Organization: Colorado State University Department: Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Title: Director Specialties: soil ecology Current Research: Soil ecology of Arctic dry valleys.Survival of hematodes.Soil ecosystems. |
Denis | Wall | Organization: University of Alberta Department: Canadian Circumpolar Institute Title: Research Associate Specialties: education Current Research: Aboriginal rights, issues, education.Survey research.Strategic planning and management.Extensive research experience in fields related to aboriginal (remote, urban) and northern concerns, including distance education. |
Wesley | Wallace | wallace@gi.alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Department of Geology and Geophysics Title: Professor Specialties: structural geology, plate tectonics Current Research: Geological evolution of the northeastern Brooks Range in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.Structure of the northcentral Brooks Range along the Dalton Highway.The geometry and kinematics of detachment folds in the northeastern Brooks Range.Origin of arcuate structural trends in the Chersky Range, northeastern Siberia. |
Peter | Waller | peter.waller@sva.se | Organization: National Veterinary Institute (Sweden) Department: Department of Parasitology (SWEPAR) Specialties: veterinary medicine, parasitology Current Research: Coordinator on the Nordic Project on Macroparasites in semi-domesticated reindeer in Fennoscandia.Parasite population dynamics.Control Options.Environmental impact implications. |
Marianne | Walsh | marianne@crrel.usace.army.mil | Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Specialties: chemical engineering, environmental chemistry, pollution Current Research: Fate of pollutants in cold regions. |
John | Walsh | jewalsh@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Title: IARC Chief Scientist Specialties: climate change, cryosphere, global change Current Research: Arctic regional climate modelling.Representation of Arctic processes in global models.Large scale moisture budget of the Arctic. |
Ian | Walsh | walsh@oce.orst.edu | Organization: Oregon State University Department: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Specialties: oceanography, biogeochemistry Current Research: Particle dynamics of the northeast water polynya.Beam attenuation across the Arctic Ocean. |
Daniel | Walsh | ffdew1@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Mineral Industry Research Laboratory Title: P.E./ Professor Specialties: mining, chemical engineering, mineralogy Current Research: Energy resource development on Native lands in rural Alaska to reduce state PCE expenditures and promote jobs in rural Alaska.Alaska low-rank coal water fuel demonstration project to create a new energy export product for Pacific Rim.Metallurgical engineering research on interior Alaska gold ores, cold-climate heap leaching, arctic mine reclamation and site remediation. |
Michael | Walsh, PE | michael.walsh@usace.army.mil | Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Title: P.E. Specialties: mechanical engineering, environmental remediation, snow mobility Current Research: Avian ecologyBird populations-Remediation of an Alaska estuarine salt marsh containing white phosphorus-research into environmental impacts and weapons performance on Alaskan training ranges-Engineering support for the Antarctic resupply traverse to the South Pole-Interests are in bird populations and cold weather impacts on miliary training and the development of sampling techniques for residues on snow. |
Laurel | Walters | Specialties: entomology, virology, parasitology Current Research: Mosquito-transmitted viruses in Alaska.Leishmaniasis.Canine Dirofilariasis. |
James | Walters | james.walters@uni.edu | Organization: University of Northern Iowa Department: Department of Earth Science Title: Emeritus Professor of Geology Specialties: periglacial environment, geomorphology, permafrost Current Research: Documentation and paleoclimatic significance of relict periglacial phenomena in northeast Iowa. Study of patterned ground features and permafrost characteristics in the Tangle Lakes, High Valley, and Maclaren Summit areas along the Denali Highway. |
Mike | Walton | mike.walton@pc.gc.ca | Organization: Parks Canada Department: Ecological and Commemorative Integrity - Yukon Field Unit Title: Manager, Resource Conservation Specialties: ecosystem science, natural resources management, Native issues Current Research: Community based economic development leading to sustainable development strategies.Traditional ecological knowledge in western science and research. |
James | Walworth | Organization: University of Arizona Department: Soil, Water and Environmental Science Department Title: Associate Professor Specialties: soil science, bioremediation, agriculture Current Research: Nutrient requirements for bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soils.Bioremediation designs and considerations for northern soils.Mineralization rates of municipal and processing wastes in northern soils.Nutrient requirements of northern crops.Soil and plant analysis.Soil chemical processes.Soil nutrient behavior.Fate of contaminants in soil systems. |
Johanna | Wandel | jwandel@uoguelph.ca | Organization: University of Guelph Department: Department of Geography Specialties: Inuit, Indigenous knowledge, community sustainability Current Research: My research interests are focused on human communities and adaptation in light of environmental change. Current projects include stresses between traditional and "southern" ways of life and management of environmental hazards. |
Hanling | Wang | boalos@126.com | Organization: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Department: Center for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Institute of International Law Title: Professor Specialties: law Current Research: Arctic law, policy and strategy; the law of the sea |
Jia | Wang | jia.wang@noaa.gov | Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department: Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (GLERL) Specialties: physical oceanography, climatology, air-sea-ice interactions Current Research: Ocean dynamics.Modeling.Data assimilation.Climate change study.Air-sea-ice interaction. |
Ruixue | Wang | wangr@clarkson.edu | Organization: Clarkson University Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Title: Grad student Specialties: sea ice modeling, ice/structure interaction, ice physics Current Research: Ice production in the wave field |