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First Name Last Name Email
Serge Demers serge_demers@uqar.ca

Organization: Université du Québec à Rimouski

Department: Institute of Marine Science

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: biological oceanography, climate change

Current Research: Phytoplankton ecophysiology. Physiological responses of phytoplankton to hydrodynamic processes.

Vladimir Demidov vladimir.demidov@mail.wvu.edu

Organization: West Virginia University

Department: Physics Department

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: plasma physics, physics

Current Research: Plasma physics.

Jody Deming jdeming@u.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: School of Oceanography

Title: Professor, Biological Oceanography

Specialties: Sea ice, Arctic waters and sediments, Alaskan cryopegs

Current Research: Microbial adaptations for life at subzero temperature and high salinity in Arctic sea ice and cryopeg brines. Implications for the search for microbial life on other icy planets and moons.

John Dempsey jdempsey@clarkson.edu

Organization: Clarkson University

Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Title: Professor and Chair

Specialties: ice mechanics, ice/structure interaction, ice engineering

Current Research: Scale effects on the strength and fracture of ice.

Roseann Densmore rdensmore@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Alaska Science Center

Title: Research Ecologist

Specialties: disturbance ecology, revegetation

Current Research: Restoration of a placer-mined watershed. Berry availability and grizzly bears in Denali National Park. White spruce regeneration following wildfire and salvage logging. Germination ecology of subalpine herbs. Tule goose nesting habitat.

Jerzy Dera dera@iopan.gda.pl

Organization: Polish Academy of Sciences

Department: Institute of Oceanology

Title: Professor

Specialties: oceanography, physics

Current Research: Optical oceanography.

Dirk Derksen dirk_derksen@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Wetlands and Terrestrial Ecology Branch

Title: Branch Chief, Supervisory Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: avian ecology, bird populations, wildlife management

Current Research: Population dynamics of arctic nesting geese. Post-nesting ecology of arctic waterfowl.

Andrew Derocher derocher@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: population ecology, marine mammals, marine ecology

Current Research: Population ecology and dynamics of polar bears. Polar bear ecotoxicology. Habitat use by polar bears. Predator-prey relationships.

Stephen Déry stephen.dery@unbc.ca

Organization: University of Northern British Columbia

Department: Environmental Science

Title: Canada Research Chair in Northern Hydrometeorology

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate change, snow

Current Research: detection and attribution of trends in snow and river discharge, water budget studies, blowing snow, impacts of climate change on the cryosphere

Joseph Desloges desloges@geog.utoronto.ca

Organization: University of Toronto

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: geomorphology, sedimentology, climate change

Current Research: Glacimarine fiord sedimentation in western Greenland. Glacilacustrine sedimentation in Icelandic lakes.

Sabev Dessislav dsabev@po-box.mcgill.ca

Organization: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Manager, Policy and Stakeholder Relations

Specialties: cultural adaptation, ethnology, Native transitions

Current Research: Cultural anthropology of the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Anthropological field-research with tundra-based reindeer-herding. Collectives in Lovozero District.

Dirk Dethleff ddethleff@gmx.de

Organization: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Department: Department of Paleoceanology

Specialties: glacimarine processes, marine sedimentology, sea ice dynamics

Current Research: Radionuclide transport from the Kara Sea toward the central Arctic by sea ice. Dense water formation subsequent to lead ice formation on the Siberian shelves. Entrainment of sediment particles into newly forming lab-tank salt water ice supported by Langmuir circulation. Pollution transport by sea ice and sea-ice sediments. Arctic shelf dense water formation. Arctic meteorology.

Laurel Devaney laurel_devaney@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Fairbanks Fisheries Resource Office

Title: Education Coordinator

Specialties: fisheries, aquatic biology

Current Research: Developing materials for teachers and other educators to use in the classroom or in science camps. Long-term monitoring of water chemistry, invertebrates, and fish samples twice a year at three sites on the Chena River with a local middle school.

Sylvie Devers devers@mnhn.fr

Organization: Bibliothèque Centrale du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle

Department: Fonds Polaire

Title: Librarian

Specialties: library/information specialist

Current Research: Polar information.

Pierre Deviche pierre.deviche@asu.edu

Organization: Arizona State University

Department: School of Life Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: ornithology, endocrinology, neurobiology

Current Research: Neuroendocrinology of Vertebrate Reproduction. Physiological Bases of Animal Behavior. Extraretinal photoreception. Hormonal Bases of Seasonal Cycles.

Allan Devol devol@ocean.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: School of Oceanography

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: chemical oceanography, geochemistry, global change

Current Research: dentirification and carbon cycling in continental margin sediments.

Allan Devol devol@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: School of Oceanography

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: chemical oceanography, geochemistry, global change

Current Research: dentirification and carbon cycling in continental margin sediments.

Oleg Devyatayev osd@aari.ru

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Department: “Sever” Center

Title: Chief Specialist

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, information systems/technology, communications

Current Research: Design of the Polar Module of World Ocean Common Information System.

Keith Dewing kdewing@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: geology, stratigraphy, mineral exploration, petroleum systems

Current Research: Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy, Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Miriam Diamond miriam.diamond@utoronto.ca

Organization: University of Toronto

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: environmental contaminants, environmental chemistry, environmental engineering

Current Research: Loadings and fate of organic and inorganic contaminants in arctic aquatic systems, including food web transfer.

Henry Diaz hfdiaz@hawaii.edu

Organization: University of Hawaii at Manoa

Department: Environmental Research Laboratories

Title: Affiliate Faculty

Specialties: climate change, El Nino/Southern Oscillation, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Climate change in alpine regions. Climate change as a function of elevation.

Henry Dick hdick@whoi.edu

Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Department: Department of Geology and Geophysics

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: igneous petrology, tectonics

Current Research: Igneous petrology and tectonics along the Gakkel Ridge

Lyle Dick ericlyledick@gmail.com

Organization: Parks Canada

Department: Parks Canada

Title: West Coast Historian

Specialties: history, ethnohistory, exploration and travel

Current Research: Post-contact history of Ellesmere Island. Inuit-European relations. High-Arctic exploration.

Mark Dickerson mdickers@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Department: Department of Political Science

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: political science

Current Research: Self-government in Canada’s north. Comparative politics.

David Dickins dfdickins@sbcglobal.net

Organization: DF Dickins Associates, LLC

Title: Managing Member, DF Dickins Associates, LLC (P.Eng.)

Specialties: oil spills in ice, sea ice, arctic shipping routes, remote sensing, air cushion vehicles

Current Research: Recently completed research includes: - co-author and committee member "Responding to Oil Spills in the US Arctic Marine Environment, National Research Council, 2014; co-author "Guide to Oil Spill Response in Snow and Ice Conditions in the Arctic, for Arctic Council - Emergency Prevention Preparedness and Response, 2015; topic paper author and contributor to "Arctic Potential - realizing the promise of US Arctic Oil and Gas Resources, National Petroleum Council 2015.