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First Name Last Name Email
Marit Aure marita@sv.uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Planning and Community Studies

Title: Researcher

Specialties: community development, economic geography, northern studies

Current Research: Cross-border economic interaction. Social capital, local and regional development in Russian and Norwegian coastal communitites. Rural community development. Gender studies and everyday life. Gender, migration, and local development.

Linnea Avallone lavallon@nsf.gov

Organization: U.S. National Science Foundation

Department: Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

Title: Program Director, Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, instrumentation, air pollution

Current Research: Boundary layer ozone depletion. Chemical composition of near-surface air. Automated instrumentation for long-term sampling.

Susan Avery savery@whoi.edu

Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Department: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

Title: President Emerita, Professor Emerita

Specialties: atmospheric physics, instrumentation, remote sensing

Current Research: Wind profiling using ground based radars, in Resolute Bay, Canada, and Sondrestrom, Greenland.

Kenneth Awebro kenneth.awebro@lh.luth.se

Organization: Luleå University of Technology

Department: Department of History

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: mining, whaling

Current Research: Mining in the Arctic.

Yarrow Axford axford@northwestern.edu

Organization: Northwestern University

Department: Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: paleoclimatology, paleolimnology, quaternary geology

Current Research: paleoclimate of Alaska and the North Atlantic region, specifically Iceland, Greenland, and Baffin Island; palynology and chironomid taxonomy; glacial geology

Masaru Ayukawa

Organization: National Institute of Polar Research

Title: Professor Emeritus

Farooq Azam fazam@ucsd.edu

Organization: University of California, San Diego

Department: Marine Biology Research Division - Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Title: Professor

Specialties: marine microbiology, biogeochemistry, biodiversity

Current Research: Ecology of marine bacteria and bacteriophages; microbial decomposition of organic matter.

Kumiko Azetsu-Scott kumiko.azetsu-scott@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Department: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: climate change, Carbon cycles, ocean acidification, tracer studies, ocean circulation, freshwater dynamics

Current Research: Freshwater flux, carbon cycles and ocean acidification, transient tracers

Christopher Babcock ftcab@uaf.edu

Specialties: plant ecology, wetland ecology

Current Research: Waterfowl breeding ecology, habitat selection, and foraging ecology. Saltmarsh plant ecology, nutrient dynamics, and grazing ecology. Climate change impacts on saltmarsh ecology.

Dmitry Babich dmbabich@mtu-net.ru

Organization: Moscow State University

Department: Department of Geography

Specialties: hydrology, cartography, ecology

Current Research: Continuing research on the Russian Far North river deltas. Mouth and channel processes, the interaction between salt and freshwaters on the Yana and Indigirka deltas.

Jan Backhaus jan.backhaus@uni-hamburg.de

Organization: University of Hamburg

Department: Institute of Oceanography - Institut fuer Meereskunde

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: ice modeling, modeling

Current Research: Ocean and ice modeling. Fieldwork in support of, and interaction with, modeling.

Jan Backman backman@geo.su.se

Organization: Stockholm University

Department: Department of Geology and Geochemistry

Specialties: paleoceanography, marine geology, biostratigraphy

Sheldon Bacon s.bacon@noc.ac.uk

Organization: National Oceanography Centre

Department: Marine Physics

Specialties: ocean circulation, climate change, air-sea-ice interactions

Current Research: Polar and sub-polar ocean circulation and climate

Harry Bader harry_bader@dnr.state.ak.us

Organization: U.S. Global Development Lab

Title: Acting Executive Director

Specialties: resource policy

Yuri Badu yuri_badu@mail.ru

Organization: Moscow State University

Department: Department of Geography

Specialties: permafrost, mapping, paleoceanography

Current Research: cryolithology, geocryology. tundra landscape ecology. permafrost terrain sea coast line of western Russian Arctic, western coastline of Jamal peninsula.

Michele Bahr mbahr@mbl.edu

Organization: Marine Biological Laboratory

Department: The Ecosystems Center

Specialties: aquatic microbiology, aquatic ecology

Current Research: Arctic Long Term Ecological Research site at Toolik Lake, Alaska.

David Bahr bahr@cires.colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

Specialties: glaciology, mathematics, avalanche studies

Current Research: Lattice Boltzmann simulations of glacier flow and applications to the theory of numerical inversions for basal sliding velocities. Topological properties of glacier networks. Avalanche dynamics using cellular automaton models.

Robert Bailey robert.bailey@uoit.ca

Organization: University of Western Ontario

Department: Department of Zoology and Aquatic Ecology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecology, environmental assessment

Current Research: Aquatic ecology. Bioassessment of Yukon streams affected by placer gold mining. Technology transfer to First Nations.

Renata Bailey baileyr@mail.montclair.edu

Organization: Montclair State University

Department: Chemistry and Biochemistry Department

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, environmental monitoring

Current Research: Atmospheric transport of organochlorine pesticides to the Arctic. Studies on the transformation of pesticides by biological degradation in soils, photolysis, and reactions with OH radicals. Identification of contribution of past and current sources of pesticides. Relationship between air and soil levels of pesticides in source regions and in the Arctic.

David Baines bumlegbaines@hotmail.com

Organization: Alaska Family Practice Residency

Title: M.D., Clinical Director

Specialties: medical sciences, cultural policy, Native issues

Current Research: Native rights. Native communities.

Doug Baird ddbaird2@alaska.edu

Organization: Seward Marine Center (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

Title: Marine Superintendent (Interim)

Specialties: bathymetry, mapping, oceanography

Current Research: Hydrographic surveys near the coast of Alaska

Kile Baker kile@kile-and-robert.com

Organization: George Mason University

Department: Division of Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: space physics, aeronomy, magnetospheric physics

Current Research: Ionosphere/magnetosphere interactions. Plasma convection.

Victor Baker baker@pirl.lpl.arizona.edu

Organization: University of Arizona

Department: Department of Hydrology and Water Resources

Title: Regents' Professor

Specialties: geomorphology, hydrology, glacial geology

Current Research: Late glacial paleohydology of Eurasis.

Ian Baker ian.baker@dartmouth.edu

Organization: Dartmouth College

Department: Thayer School of Engineering

Title: Sherman Fairchild Professor of Engineering Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs

Specialties: ice physics, ice modeling, ice geophysics

Current Research: Synchroton x-ray topographic studies of defects in ice.

Corien Bakermans cub21@psu.edu

Organization: Pennsylvania State University

Department: Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Title: Associate Professor of Microbiology

Specialties: microbiology, permafrost